

  • Does Altibase provide online materials?

    Yes. Altibase provides online training materials. Online MaterialsMATERIALSDESCRIPTIONADDRESSManualsAltibase products manuals.https://altibase.com/en/learn/manuals.phpRelease NotesAltibase products release notes.https://altibase.com/en/learn/release_notes.phpPatch NotesAltibase products patch notes.https://github.com/ALTIBASEDocumentsDocuments provide various know-how about Altibase products.https://github.com/ALTIBASEorhttps://aid.altibase.com/TraningAltibase provides an Online training coursehttps://altibase.com/en/learn/online_training.phpForumsForum is for customers and general users to share their experiences, ideas, and questions about Altibase products.https://altibase.com/en/community/forum_list.phporhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Altibase/

  • What is Altibase Training Service?

    Altibase provides online training and on-site training for customers and partners.Online training can be taken at any time and from anywhere, allowing you to strengthen your skills whenever it is the most convenient time for you. You can take a control of your learning speed and can start, stop, and review the lessons whenever you want.Altibase provides on-site training as well. On-site training provides a comprehensive learning mode where you can learn from Altibase experts face to face and get help with hands-on practice and demonstrations.If you have specific topics to cover, Altibase can provide a customized training class.Please e-mail us at us@altibase.com for details.

  • Where can I take Online Training?

    Altibase provides online training through the Online Training page (http://altibase.com/resources/online-training/) for free.Each topic of training is based on the following:Altibase ConceptAltibase FeaturesAltibase ArchitectureAltibase ReplicationBackup and RecoveryYou must have access to the Internet.

  • Where can I get more help?

    Altibase also provides an online forum (http://support.altibase.com/en/). An online discussion board, where users can discuss and help each other.If you have any questions, feel free to post them on the forum and get feedback not only from the other users but also from Altibase employees, instructors, and teaching assistants. Altibase constantly monitors the forum to help you to find the right answer as quickly as possible.


Mission - Critical Succeed

Altibase 7.3